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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Starting This Is Easy....

I never realized how easy it was to start a blog until just a few minutes ago!

It's always easy to start something and it's rarely as easy to keep it going.  I couldn't even begin to tell you the number of things that I've started and failed to continue.  Honestly, I'd have to say up until five years ago it was the most glaring weakness in my life.  It was then I met my wife, Diany.  I knew from the moment I met her that I couldn't afford to ever give up on the dream of making her my life long companion.  With the exception of a relationship with Jesus Christ, that I've had since a young child, this was the first thing I had ever decided to commit to and never give up.

Over the past few years I've slowly been developing the ability to hold true to a course of action.  In April of 2009 my daughter, Elena, was born.  If you think making the decision to spend the rest of your life with someone brings perspective, wait until you have a child with that person.  In the last 9 months I've never been more focused in my life and not just on my relationships.  I seem to be thinking more clearly than ever before.

Spiritually, I'm closer to God than I've ever been and for the first time in a long time allowing Him to lead me instead of dictating to Him where I want to go.  I've learned that my commitment to God should be as simple as my commitment to my wife and daughter.  That is to simply develop and nurture a relationship with Him.  God is less interested in what I want to do for Him and more interested in me being where He wants me to be.

As a result of the family and spiritual aspects of my life gaining greater focus, everything else is falling into place too.  Things I once found interesting are waning in interest to me and are being replaced with a desire to find myself involved helping to make a difference in the lives of others and not just spiritually.  However, this can never be done without the willpower and determination to not only start a thing, but see it through.

This blog is the first step in fulfilling this commitment to making a mark in the lives of others.  I want to emphasize that the impact I want to make is not merely spiritual.  Therefore, there may be many posts on this blog that never even deal with spirituality.  Sometimes what people need is something to smile about, maybe I'll give that to them.  Perhaps they need a quick dose of my political ideology.  (Or perhaps they don't and I just feel like sharing it anyway.)  Whatever this blog becomes and however it effects people is yet to be seen.  

As I said at the beginning, starting this is easy.....

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